2010 ReTees Final Results

September 7th, 2010


2010 1st Division Champion:           Konrad Halliday

2010 2nd Division Champion:           Alan Patek


2010 1st Division Runner-Up:         Andrew Wallin

2010 2nd Division Runner-Up:          Brad Burnham


2010 Weekly Competition Winner:     Brad Burnham




Weekly Winners                                  Division 1              Division 2


Week 1      Pick-5 (player’s choice -½ hdcp)    Barry Meaker  (no division split)

Week 2      Ruckwardt/VanWest Night,frwy+GIR    Mark Mielke             Mark Bitetto     

Week 3      Most 5’s (Cinco de Mayo!)           Barry Vanwest           Greg Phillips

Week 4      President’s Choice - Putts + pen    Jim Hipp                Frank Robertson

Week 5      VP’s Choice - Net + Clubs           Tu Nguyen               Ryan Mills

Week 6      Tr Choice – Putts+4best+1worst-1/2  Ray Irion               Brad Burnham

Week 7      Past Secretary’s Choice – Quota     Jim Rojecki             Larry Ellingsen

Week 8      Least Putts                         Scott Robins            Brad Burnham

Week 9      Blackjack                           Bob Tomsett             Ryan Mills

Week 10     Net skins within your group         Scott Robins            Barry Van West

Week 11     2-Man Best-Ball                     Tu Nguyen / Kurt Ruckwardt

Week 12     BINGO!                              Andrew Wallin  (no division split)

Week 13     Short Game                          Bob Berres              Lloyd Osborn

Week 14     Drop Dead                           Ray Irion               Sandy Dorward

Week 15     Bingo Bango Bongo Mongo             Dennis Crawley          Dave Miles

Week 16     Low Gross on Par 3’s                Brian Gruel             Mark Bitetto

Week 17     Survivor                            Div 1: Burnham/Gruel/Wallin/Tomsett

                                                Div 2: Kwiatkowski/Van West/Eaker/Patek

Week 18     Closest-to                          Chris Hill              James Brooks

Week 19     Sports Book                         Bob Berres  (no division split)

Week 20     Variations of Net                   Jim Hipp                Lloyd Osborn




Other Honorable Mentions


Front Nine Low Ave:           Joe Sweetin (37.3), Ray Irion (37.5), Howard Korn (37.8)

Back Nine Low Ave:            Joe Sweetin (37.6), Mark Mielke (38.2), Art Taylor (39.0)

Hole In One:                  James Brooks, 5/12, 8-iron, #7 – 120 yards

Eagles:                       James Brooks, Dennis Crawley, Bob Tomsett

Most Birdies:                 Joe Sweetin (19), Ray Irion & Bob Tomsett (10)

Most Pars:                    Ray Irion (80), Andrew Wallin (68), Mark Mielke (66)

Most Bogies:                  Brad Burnham (77), Sandy Dorward (70), Konrad Halliday (68)      

Most Double Bogies:           Bob Eaker (55), Victor Beede (53), Lyle Bennett (52)

Most Triple Bogies:           Paul Wuori (33), Victor Beede (32), Greg Kwiatkowski (29)

Most 'Others':                Joe Kwiatkowski (34)

Perfect Attendance:           Konrad Halliday & Victor Beede(all 20 weeks)

Most Improved Players:        Brad Burnham (-7.2!), Joe Sweetin (-4.3), Howard Korn (-3.2),

                              Lyle Bennett, Alan Patek, Barry Van West(-3.1) [index vs last year]

Most Consistent Players:      Brad and Lloyd Osborn get the co-honors as Father/Son team.  Many 

                              other ReTees had nice consistent years, really hard to pick one.

Low Net of the Year:          25 - Jack Erban, Bob Berres    26 - Dennis Crawley, Konrad Halliday, Joe Kwiatkowski, Frank Robertson


Best 9 Hole Scores:


33    Bob Berres

34    Dennis Crawley, Jack Erban, Brian Gruel, Mark Mielke, Bob Tomsett, Lee Zeebuyth

35    Chris Hill, Ray Irion, Howard Korn, Mark Mielke, Joe Sweetin (3), Andrew Wallin

36    Konrad Halliday, Ray Irion (2), Mark Mielke (2), Scott Robins, Steve Sessa, Joe Sweetin (2), Art Taylor, Andrew Wallin

37    Dennis Crawley, Jack Erban, Brian Gruel, Chris Hill, Ray Irion (4), Howard Korn, Mark Mielke (2), Brad Osborn (2), Tim Pham, Tom Pickle, Scott Robins, Jim Rojecki (2), Kevin Seda (2), Steve Sessa, Joe Sweetin (3), Art Taylor, Steve Uczekaj, Bill Wollaston, Lee Zeebuyth




Six Year Look at ReTees' Best Individual Rounds:


                                                2005        2006        2007           2008           2009        2010


ANDERSON, KEVIN                  39            37            38               41               42            N/A

BEEDE, VICTOR                       N/A          N/A          N/A             46               42            43

BENNETT, LYLE                       46            47            48               50               47            44

BERRES, BOB                          36            36            39               37               37            33

BITETTO, MARK                        N/A          42            43               55               40            38

BROOKS, JAMES                     42            39            40               41               42            39

BURNHAM, BRAD                     39            38            37               41               39            38

BURNHAM, DICK                      N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          47

CHASE, BRUCE                        N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             47            43           

COLOMBO, SAM                      N/A          N/A          N/A             46               50            N/A

CRAWLEY, DENNIS                  N/A          39            43               32               37            34

DOIG, SHANE                           41            41            40               43               46            N/A

DORWARD, SANDY                 40            41            41               39               37            39

EAKER, ROBERT                      41            44            41               41               42            42

EHRENBERG, KEN                   41            41            38               41               48            45           

ELLINGSEN, LARRY                 41            41            41               41               41            40

EMMERTON, DOUG                  41            40            44               N/A             N/A          42

ERBAN, JACK                          39            37            38               37               34            34

ERICKSON, DAVE                    N/A          N/A          N/A             41               41            42

FLORSHEIM, BRUCE                N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          44           

GALBRAITH, BOB                     N/A          N/A          N/A             38               36            43

GRUEL, BRIAN                         31            34            33               36               39            34

HALLIDAY, KONRAD                36            39            38               36               38            36

HARP, RICK                              42            42            47               43               47            N/A

HAUER, MILES                         38            37            37               44               42            41

HILL, CHRIS                              38            38            36               38               36            35

HIPP, JIM                                 N/A          36            39               40               37            38

IRION, RAY                               38            37            34               36               34            35

JOHANSEN, PAUL                    39            39            40               37               38            43

JOLLY, MARTY                         N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             37            39

JOSEPH, ART                           N/A          37            35               38               38            39

KORN, HOWARD                      37            34            36               37               35            35

KWIATKOWSKI, GREG              N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          44

KWIATKOWSKI, JOE                 N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          44

LEEDY, PHIL                            N/A          47            40               40               38            42

LEVENSON, MIKE                    N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          50

MASUI, BOB                             N/A          N/A          44               47               45            41

MAUS, JIM                               N/A          N/A          N/A             41               41            41

MEAKER, BARRY                     42            35            38               39               38            38

MIELKE, MARK                         N/A          36            34               37               37            34

MILES, DAVE                           N/A          N/A          N/A             38               42            40

MILLS, BRIAN                           40            39            39               38               37            38

MILLS, RYAN                            N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          46

MIYAMOTO, ERIC                     38            40            38               42               45            50

NGUYEN, TU                            N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          38

NEFF, KRISTOPHER                 36            38            39               41               42            N/A

NEUMILLER, RICKY                  45            N/A          N/A             N/A             35            N/A

OSBORN, BRAD                       36            35            36               37               36            37

OSBORN, LLOYD                     N/A          N/A          N/A             40               42            41

PATEK, ALAN                           N/A          N/A          43               44               45            42

PHAM, TIM                               N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          37

PHILLIPS, GREG                       N/A          N/A          39               42               38            40

PICKLE, TOM                            N/A          40            37               35               37            37

REED, DAVE                            35            35            35               37               37            40

ROBERTS, RICH                       41            39            38               37               36            38

ROBERTSON, FRANK               N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          38

ROBINS, SCOTT                       36            35            36               33               33            36

ROJECKI, JIM                           41            39            40               41               35            37

RUCKWARDT, KURT                 43            44            45               45               39            46

RUFIBACH, DARYL                   N/A          N/A          N/A             43               41            43

SEDA, KEVIN                           N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          37

SESSA, STEVE                        N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          36

STRATIS, ALEX                        N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          46

             SWEETIN, JOE                        N/A          33            35               33               34            35

TAYLOR, ART                           37            36            35               37               33            36

TOMSETT, BOB                        N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          34

UCZEKAJ, STEVE                    N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          37

VANWEST, BARRY                   36            36            40               40               39            38

WALLIN, ANDREW                    35            36            35               38               35            35

WHITE, NEIL                             39            44            46               48               43            43

WOLLASTON, BILL                    N/A          N/A          N/A             N/A             N/A          37

WUORI, PAUL                           43            43            43               47               51            52

YAMADA, MIKE                        42            41            40               41               36            41

ZEEBUYTH, LEE                       37            36            35               37               36            34





Personal Recollections of the Year:


I know mine would be my 34 on the back nine for Week 18 on the 18th of August 2010.

That is my all time lowest score on any course. Before league play that day I shot a 41

on the front nine. 75 gross.



Jack Erban



My son Joe and I would like to thank ReTees for taking on beginner players.  The ReTees elected staff and participants have a wealth of knowledge and have helped us both greatly improve our golf game. 

We are both very glad to be a part of this league. 



Greg Kwiatkowski




I simply enjoyed another fun season and some great weather again for the most part.   I still think this is the best damn league in BEGA!







Thanks to the 2010 officers:


President:        Konrad Halliday

Vice President:   Dennis Crawley

Treasurer:        Jim Hipp

Secretary:        Andrew Wallin


And a special thanks to out-going VP Dennis Crawley for running some fun field days.   Brad Burnham will be taking over the VP reign in 2011, with all other officer positions remaining the same.